Archive Post

Super Smash Bros. U – Cloud storms into battle!

Some astounding news on the Smash Bros front today. In one heck of an unexpected…

Super Mario Maker Supports Sonic, Pit & Splatoon Amiibo

Remember a few months ago back at E3 when Nintendo revealed that certain Amiibo like…

Nintendo Holiday Download (12.25.14)

The holiday season isn't exactly a hot bed of new video game news but Nintendo…

Super Smash Bros for Wiiu Nintendo Direct Set For Tomorrow

Are your thumbs still sore from smashing your opponents off screen? The Big N has…

Downloadable DS Games Coming To Wii U?

Anyone who has played the Wii U might have thought of this at some point.…

No Cutscenes or Story Mode For The Next Super Smash Bros

Nintendo's Super Smash Bros series is quite possibly one of the greatest ideas of all…

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Reborn E3 Trailer

Link's debut on Nintendo's latest home console is of course an HD port of The…

Fake WiiU Gamepad Auction Sat at 90K Before Being Pulled

File this one under the W.T.F category. Online gaming auctions can sometimes be a little…

WiiU Version of Mass Effect 3 Bundles DLC On Disc

It’s taken for granted that Wiiu ports of games like Mass Effect 3 and Batman…

Japanese WiiU Price & Date Revealed Tomorrow

Speculation surrounding the WiiU's price will end tomorrow, for the Japanese at least. In a…

Rumor: Amazon Leaks WiiU Box Art

There are still a lot of things we don't know about Nintendo's upcoming WiiU including…

Check Out Our First Glimpse At The Wii U’s Menu

Our first look at the Wiiu's menu showcases several different aspects of the system. When…

Nintendo Confirms Near Field Communication For WiiU Gamepad

During today's Nintendo direct video conference president Satura Iwata confirmed that the Nintendo Wii U…