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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Reborn E3 Trailer
Link's debut on Nintendo's latest home console is of course an HD port of The…
The First Look At Super Smash Bros for Wii U / 3DS
We've waited two years to get our first glimpse at Super Smash Bros for the…
No You’re Not Dreaming, Square Enix Announces Kingdom Hearts III
Square Enix surprised everyone with a "wait one more moment", announcing a sequel that everyone…
Capcom’s Dead Rising 3 Infects The Xbox One
The infected return in Capcom's Dead Rising 3, announced this afternoon as a launch window…
Ryse Son Of Rome Shows Interesting Army Control / Gameplay
The main thing that stood out to me during the beautiful showing of Ryse was…
Watch_Dogs CGI Trailer Leaks Before Ubisoft Conference
Get an advanced look at Ubisoft's Watch_Dogs before their official E3 conference tomorrow at 3PM,…
GRID 2 Revs Up For Retail Release On May 28th
Codemasters' GRID 2 will now cross the finish line into retail on May 28th 2013.…
Hitman Trilogy Launch Trailer Released
Square Enix has released a brand new launch trailer to promote the release of tomorrow’s…
Hitman: Absolution Video: Dynamic Audio
Just a quick news post to highlight a video sent to my inbox this morning…
Persona 4 Golden Full Trailer!
PS Vita and RPG fans, rejoice! Your JRPG specialists at Atlus have you covered for…
New Release Date And Trailer for Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron
Okay so as I've said before, I loved Transformers: War for Cybertron and in case…
Fall of CyberTron DinoBots Trailer
High Moon Studio’s next Transformers game, Fall of Cybertron, brings the Dinobots into the fray.…
God of War Ascension Teaser Trailer Leaked
Kratos has spent five games defeating the Greek gods and now he's back for even…
Bethesda Announces The Elder Scrolls: Assassin’s Creed
Okay, not really but that is what a lot of people are going to think…