It’s never easy hearing about a publisher, developer, or anyone in the gaming industry (let alone anyone at all) lose their jobs. Such was the case with THQ as the publishing titan came crashing down. Speculation could be pointed at their failed attempt to make uDraw the next big thing, but just one thing isn’t the cause of their unfortunate demise.
Just a short while ago most of the bigger name franchises were auctioned off, such as Saint’s Row, Homefront, & Metro. To my biggest surprise, Darksiders was nowhere on the list of being picked up by anyone. Granted the second game wasn’t that much different that the first one, but it was a solid game.
It looks like Darksiders will get a second chance at redemption as the rest of THQ’s properties will auctioned off soon and will be in their new homes before the end of April. Here’s hoping that Platinum Games picks up Darksiders…I’m willing to bet they could pull off an amazing sequel. I really wouldn’t mind someone picking up Full Spectrum Warrior as well and making a sequel/do-over.
For a full list of all the properties that are up for grabs, keep reading after the break.