Archive Post

Humble Deep Silver Bundle 2 Offers Up Zombies, Crime Sprees & Pirate Adventures

The latest Humble Bundle collects titles from publisher Deep Silver and invites potential owners to…

Microsoft Brings Its AAA Games With April’s Games With Gold

Microsoft is bringing it's AAA games, literally, with April 2016's Games With Gold line-up. Heavy hitters…

PlayStation New Releases: Resident Evil Scares Up A REMake

Last week's PlayStation Store update packed whole lot of brand new games with everything from…

Saint’s Row IV Million Dollar Wad Wad Edition Announced

Multiple special editions of new games are nothing new but can we interest you in…

Saints Row IV Lets You Battle Aliens As The President

It's no surprise with this quirky series that takes itself less and less seriously with…

Saint’s Row IV Once Featured Dragons & Stephen Colbert

Would you believe us if we told you that Saints Row IV originally featured Stephen…