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GTA V Delayed until September
Rockstar Games put up a small announcement on their website this morning to share with…
The 2012 Top Five
Editor's note: Staff at Broken Joysticks will be sharing their top five games, or game…
Grand Theft Auto V To Be Released On March 26th?
Grand Theft Auto V has been on our most wanted list for the last few…
GTA V Trailer 2 Analysis Video
Let's talk a bit about a little video game franchise you guys may have heard…
GTA San Andreas Coming To PSN Tomorrow
Everyone might be talking about the recent reveal of Grand Theft Auto 5 but Rockstar…
GTA: Vice City Celebrates 10 Years of Crime Sprees
Maybe I'm just getting old but it is hard to believe that Grand Theft Auto:…
GTA V Trailer 2 Thoughts and Breakdown
So by now hopefully you've seen the amazing Trailer 2 for GTA V. Here is…
GTA V Trailer 2 – Watch This Space!
The wait is almost over - check back here for the trailer at 11:00 AM…
Game Informer’s GTA V Impressions Video
I'm almost drooling as I contemplate the fact that a new GTA V video is…
Three Main Characters Star In GTA V
It's been rumoured that GTA V would feature more than one main character, and today…
GTA V Screens Leaked – Reveals Some Locations
Grand Theft Auto V is coming, make no mistake of that. The exact release date…
Grand Theft Auto V Releases Spring 2013
Rockstar Games has confirmed today thatGrand Theft Auto V will release in the Spring of…
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – 10th Anniversary
The glitz and the glamor of the 1980's are coming back! This time it's your…
More New GTAV Screens | Business
Well things just keep getting better and better for us GTA fans! Rockstar have closed…
New GTA V Screens | Leisure
Oh Rockstar, how we love you and your flagship Grand Theft Auto series. You tease…