Archive Post

Skyrim’s 1.7 Patch Is Finally Coming To Consoles This Week

It's August 8 as I write this article. Why is this little fact important? Well,…

Here’s Some New Details About Scourge: Outbreak

If you don't know what exactly Scourge: Outbreak is, I don't blame you. I had…

That’s A Lot Of Levels For LittleBigPlanet

Media Molecule, the team behind LittleBigPlanet, has revealed today that seven million levels (and still…

Medal Of Honor: Warfighter And Linkin Park Team Up

Okay, so maybe it's not exactly Linkin Park, but Mike Shinoda, the man behind the…
Black Ops II

See Black Ops II’s Multiplayer In A Few Days

It's that time of the year again. We're talking about the thing that many people…

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Public Beta Starts This Fall

SuperBot Entertainment's PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale has been a hot topic of discussion lately. Just…
The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Ep. 1&2 Free For PS Plus August 7

Summer is quickly coming to a close, so why not make the most out of…

Meet the Mechromancer In Borderlands 2

The fine folks over at Gearbox Software have been diligently working on Borderlands 2, one…

New PlayStation 3 Incoming? Pictures Leak of New PS3

A new model of Playstation 3 may be in the works according to Technoblog. Their…

Sorcery | Review

When Sony first showed us the Play Station Move at E3 2010 there was one…

The Last Of Us Demoed @ E3

Sony wrapped up it's E3 press conference this evening by showing off the first in-game…

4 Player Co-Op Confirmed for Far Cry 3

Ubisoft announced during Sony's E3 press conference that the game will ship with a full-length…

New PS All-Stars Characters, Cross-Play With Vita Announced

At Sony's E3 Press Briefing this evening, Sony confirmed that a Vita version of Playstation…

Quantum Dreams’ Beyond: Two Souls Announced

Beyond: Two Souls was announced today at Sony's E3 Press Briefing. It was mentioned that…

Sony Unviels PlayStation Move Wheel Perpherial

During the opening pre-roll shown to hype up the audience at Sony's press conference we…