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E3: Hands-On With Sniper Elite 4
I had the chance to hook up with Rebellion and to try out their newest…
Hands On: Mirror’s Edge Catalyst
Parkour wunderkind Faith Connors returns in this reboot of the 2008 classic, Mirror's Edge which is out…
Necropolis Hands-on Video & Details
Delving into the darkest dungeons of gaming can be a fools errand for those who…
Hands On: This Weekend’s DOOM Beta Was Hellishly Bad
Fans of id Software's DOOM franchise have literally been waiting years for the closed beta…
GDC 2016: Sherlock Holmes: The Devils Daughter Preview
Sherlock Holmes: The Devils Daughter is an action-adventure game that transports players once again back…
Beta Report: Hitman on PlayStation 4
Square Enix’s closed beta for their upcoming next generation Hitman title went live over the…
Unravel Impressions: A Wooly World For Xbox & PlayStation Fans
When EA unveiled Unravel to the world last year during E3 I wasn’t exactly enthralled…
The Division Does A Lot of Things Right That Destiny Year One Got Wrong
Over the weekend, I got a chance to take part in Tom Clancy’s The Division…
Let’s Take A Look At Halo: Online For PC
Halo 3 was one of the definitive online experiences I got to spend hundred of…
2016 and Gaming: A Year in Preview
As we're closing in on the end of one year and getting ready to start…
Activision Launches ‘Chivalry: Medieval Warfare’ for PS4 and Xbox One
First person medieval combat lands on Xbox One and PS4! Torn Banner studious medieval first…
Hands-On With The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes | Preview
Nintendo held a special online-only stress test for their upcoming multiplayer focused entry in the…
Hands-On With The Star Wars Battlefront Beta
Our staff played a combined 10 hours of the Star Wars Battlefront beta on Windows…
Dungeon Defenders 2 | Preview
Previewed By: Focks Dungeon Defenders 2 is a game that combines the strategy of a…
Destiny’s The Taken King Comes Out Tomorrow, Let’s Take A Look
Bungie’s Destiny turned a year old this past week and with the near simultaneous release…