Archive Post

Shenmue I & II Port Release Date Confirmed For August 21st for PS4, Xbox One and PC

SEGA will take us back to mid 1980s Hong Kong and Japan with the re-release…

DOOM’s Nintendo Switch Port Will Have You Believing In The Dark Arts

Over the past week I've been playing 2016's DOOM on the Nintendo Switch and this game... just…

What Is The Upcoming Steam JRPG Trillion Anyway?

Trillion is an Idea Factory title in which you power up to take on Trillion,…
Ray Gigant Battle

Ray Gigant Holding Strong On Steam New Releases

With titles like No Man's Sky just being released this week, you'd figure it would…

Sim City To Be Released On Mac Later This Month

Electronic Arts is preparing to release the promised Mac OSX port of Sim City later…