Archive Post

Wii U Production Stop

Nintendo Dropping EU Retail Orders For The Wii U Should Be Cause For Concern

Word came out earlier today that retailers in the European Union have until the end of…

Nintendo NX Dated For March 2017, Newest Zelda To Launch for NX / Wii U

Some huge news came out of the Nintendo Japan financial call for investors this morning relating…

Are these new images of the NX controller?

New images of the development kit version of the Nintendo NX controller have leaked thanks…

It doesn’t matter if the NX is a failure Nintendo will go on

Guest post by SZKO Have you ever heard of the term "Golden Parchute"? Well if…

Is this the NX controller Nintendo patented in the wild?

Our friends over at Dualpixels claim to have an exclusive source who has shown them the…

2016 and Gaming: A Year in Preview

As we're closing in on the end of one year and getting ready to start…