Archive Post

Microsoft Acquires Gears of War Rights From Epic Games

Gears of War is unanimously one of the flagship titles for any of Microsoft's consoles.…

See How Zoo Tycoon Has Been Re-Imagined

Harnessing the power of Microsoft's Xbox One console, the developers Frontiers Development have released a…

Fable Anniversary Announced For Holiday Season 2013

Probably one of my favorite Microsoft exclusive franchises ever is Fable. I know that many…

Minecraft’s Title Update #9 Is Now Available On Xbox 360

Releasing a day ahead of schedule is Minecraft's next update, cleverly titled "Title Update 9",…

Minecraft “Title Update 9” Teaser Trailer

A few days ago we brought you news that Minecraft will be headed to retail…

Ascend: New Gods Closed BETA Sign-ups

Signal Studios, developer of Ascend: New Gods, is taking beta sign-up applications to get in…
Minecraft Wii U

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Coming To Retail

I guess after selling over 5 million copies over Xbox Live Arcade, it's fair to…