Archive Post

Link-a-Pix coming to 3DS eShop this week

Lightwood Games' latest Picross inspired title is coming to the Nintendo 3DS eShop this week.…

IMPRESSIONS: Pic-a-Pix Color

Pic-a-Pix Color is an interesting twist on the genre and creates an entirely new way…

Lightwood teases new puzzle game

Lightwood Games teased a new game title in the form of an interactive holicay card…

Splat the Difference | REVIEW

There are a lot of find the difference games out there, with tons of them…

Lightwood Games bringing Splat the Difference to 3DS on Thursday

Lightwood Games has announced that their next game headed to the Nintendo 3DS is Splat…

Epic Word Search 2 challenges 3DS gamers Thursday

Lightwood Games' next word game will hit the Nintendo 3DS eShop on Thursday. The game…

Epic Word Search Collection on the way

After the announcement of Dan McFox: Head Hunter yesterday, Lightwood Games has revealed that they…

Dan McFox: Head Hunter turns up on Nintendo 3DS

Lightwood Games has announced their next game for the Nintendo 3DS and it won't be…

New word puzzle game for 3DS and Wii U will support ALL amiibo

Word Puzzles by POWGI will be released soon for the 3DS and has just been…