Archive Post

Lawbreakers Open Beta Available Until July 5th

Nexxon and Boss Key Games announced that the open beta for their upcoming first person shooter, Lawbreakers, is…

Lawbreakers Closed Beta Coming Next Weekend

Lawbreakers, the brand new first person shooter from Cliff Bleszinski – the mind behind Gears…

Lawbreakers Returns With New Trailer & Upcoming Beta

Cliff Bleszinski's upcoming role-based team objective shooter Lawbreakers has returned onto the scene with a…

CliffyB Compares Overwatch To Digital “Rock, Paper, Scissors”

Team-based, hero focused first person shooters are all the rage right now and the undisputed…

Breaking All The Rules With Lawbreakers [E3 Hands-On]

The man behind Microsoft's chainsaw wielding Gears of War franchise, Cliff Bleszinski left Epic Games back…

LawBreakers was the best game at PAX East

The most fun I had playing a game at the recent PAX East convention wasn’t…