Archive Post

June 2016 Games With Gold: Super Meat Boy, The Crew & More

Major Nelson has revealed the latest titles that will be given to subscribers free of…

Civilization VI Coming To PC This October

It has been quite a few years since we got a properly numbered Civilization title…

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Patch Coming Soon

ApparentlyXCOM: Enemy Unknownis pretty amazing and pretty hard. 2K games has announced the upcoming details…

XCOM: Enemy Unknown | Review

XCOM: Enemy Unkown is the resurrection of a once great series. The original XCOM titles…

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Trailer Gives Us ‘Our Last Hope’

We are just a few short days away from the launch of XCOM: Enemy Unknown.…

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Shows Off A New Trailer

Firaxis Games along with 2K Games have released a new trailer for it's turned based…