Archive Post

Homefront The Revolution

Homefront The Revolution Story Trailer Storms In

Prepare to join the resistance as Ethan Bradly in the upcoming Homefront: The Revolution on…

Crytek Announces CryEngine V Alongside New Pricing Model

CryEngine, the engine, and tool set that power AAA franchises like Crysis, Far Cry and…

Back To Dinosaur Island Now On Steam For Free

Back To Dinosaur Island, a short little program meant to show off the CryEngine with…

Prepare To Ryse To Power

Continuing our coverage of the Xbox One launch videos, we have yet another exclusive Xbox…

May The 4th Be With You: BattleFront III Livestream

Celebrate Star Wars Day with over an hour of footage from the defunct Star Wars:…

EA Sidelines Medal of Honor Franchise

I hope you don't have your hopes up for a third modern Medal of Honor…

Bankrupt THQ has been Disolved and Sold

Today, THQ was officially sold and auctioned off. The company's assets have been divided and…