Archive Post

War Pike Added To Online Monster Slaying Title Dauntless

Dauntless is an early access online monster slaying, title not unlike Capcom's own Monster Hunter, series…

Lawbreakers Closed Beta Coming Next Weekend

Lawbreakers, the brand new first person shooter from Cliff Bleszinski – the mind behind Gears…

Lawbreakers Returns With New Trailer & Upcoming Beta

Cliff Bleszinski's upcoming role-based team objective shooter Lawbreakers has returned onto the scene with a…

CD Projekt Red’s GWENT Closed Beta Delayed Until October

It looks like GWENT, the digital collectable card game based upon The Witcher universe will…

Atlas Reactor Beta Begins With New Features

Atlus Reactor the latest game from Trion Worlds has entered the closed beta phase according…

Hands On: This Weekend’s DOOM Beta Was Hellishly Bad

Fans of id Software's DOOM franchise have literally been waiting years for the closed beta…

Have Some Faith In The Closed Beta For Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

 Electronic Arts confirmed today that a closed beta for the upcoming open world parkour title…

Overwatch Beta Returns To Active Duty On Feb 9th

Blizzard’s upcoming objective based team shooter Overwatch will return to closed beta on February 9th…