October 27th Nintendo Download

Corpse Party – The indie horror classic that spawned a franchise comes to the Nintendo…

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 Remix Coming To PlayStation 4

Square Enix will be bringing the previously PlayStation 3 exclusive Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix and Kingdom Hearts…

Microsoft Lowers The Barrier To Entry With $299 VR Headsets

At their New York technology showcase Microsoft announced that they will be supported VR in…

Case of the Pirate Princess begins in Sonic Universe #91

SONIC UNIVERSE #91 Vector, Espio and Charmy are on the job in "The Case of…
Rez Infinite logo banner

Rez Infinite | REVIEW

Rez Infinite is immensely difficult to review. It’s a daunting task, really. That’s not because…

Star Mazer DSP Gets Halloween Update

Indie rogue-like shooter Star Mazer DSP, developed by our friends at Pixel Jam & Imagos…

Nintendo Canada Holding Pokemon Sun & Moon Events Nationwide

Nintendo Canada is launching a series of special events nationwide to promote the upcoming release…

Gurumin 3D: A Monstrous Adventure | REVIEW

Sometimes games that look too cute can be overlooked and dismissed as just a kids…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer Is Here!

Earlier this week Rockstar Games teased us with the upcoming reveal of Red Dead Redemption…

Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild Trailer Leaks Ahead of NX Reveal

A brand new, unreleased trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has…

Nintendo to unveil NX tomorrow morning

Nintendo gave the world a brief heads up minutes ago that their long awaited next…

Pokémon Sun and Moon Demo | IMPRESSIONS

Today marks one month until the release of the highly anticipated Pokémon Sun and Pokémon…

SteamWorld Heist launches for Wii U on Thursday

SteamWorld Heist launches on Nintendo eShop on Wii U this week, with the game seeing…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Finally Announced

Red Dead Redemption is arguably one of the best games of the last generation of consoles.…

Two Circle games confirmed for October 20th

Circle Entertainment has shared via their social media platforms that two of their games are…