Rise of the Triad, a modern remake of a 1995 classic from Apogee Software, was revealed this past weekend at QuakeCon and attendees got the chance to frag the hell out of each other at the show. Now that the doors have closed in Dallas Texas media has been put online for the rest of us to enjoy. The game’s debut trailer give us a flyby view of a medieval castle  (forgive me if I got the time period wrong) that has been converted into a military prison of some sort. The rest of the trailer consists of guards being destroyed in slow motion explosions set to rock tunes

[youtube id=”xhi-7lj7osI” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Check out more details after the jump

If you are still with us then you obviously want additional details about Rise of the Triads, right?  The game is set to feature a full campaign with six playable characters, 20 levels and several different play styles  spanning four episodes. The game’s weapons are probably the stand out feature revealed thus far, here is a partial list courtesy of the game’s website – Dual pistols, the MP40, Heatseeker, Flamewall, Firebomb, Split Missile, Drunk Missile, Dark Staff.

No release has been provided by the game’s publisher or website just yet. As soon as know more we’ll bring it to you.