The latest hero to enter the combat arena in Paragon is GRIM.EXE a fully functional battle robot that comes with his own infomercial. Using an unlimited energy source that powers a large pulse canon GRIM.EXE is able to unleash devastating blasts at medium range, shield himself using another one of his abilities and knockback opponents with another.  His ultimate – a “Gyro Targeted Force Orb” – can pass through solid objects and home in on a single target, dealing them their final blow.

GRIM.EXE (and the little imp who issues him commands) will be coming for free to the PlayStation 4 and PC versions of Paragon on May 10th. Check out the chuckle worthy faux infomercial in the embedded player below. If you’ve never played Paragon before make sure to read our in-depth impressions before jumping in, Paragon is currently available as part of a $20 buy-in for access to the “pre-alpha” season.

[youtube id=”zo-DMLGXOF4″]