Xbox boss Phil Spencer announced this morning that the Xbox One will be able to play select Xbox 360 titles starting this fall.

Backwards compatibility has been a bit of a sore spot this generation, with the exception of the WiiU which offers complete compatibility with previous hardware neither the Xbox One nor PlayStation 4 have offered comprehensive solutions for gamers looking to enjoy some of their favorite classics. Sure Sony offers PlayStation Now but that service costs about $15 USD a month and unless you live in an area with reliable internet it is not a perfect solution.

Starting this Fall Xbox One owners will be able to play select Xbox 360 games via either physical disc or digital downloads. It was mentioned during the conference that over 100 games will be available at launch with more to come in 2016. Not only will Xbox one owners be able to play their favorite single player campaigns but also join friends on Xbox Live for competitive multiplayer and use Xbox One only features like Game DVR and screenshots while playing 360 games.

On stage Microsoft showed off Xbox 360’s Mass Effect running on the Xbox One. Check out a brief video of Xbox One Backwards Compatibility after the jump as well as a partial list of compatible titles.

[youtube id=”wz_swZB9s8c”]

Available games
Banjo Kazooie: N n B
BattleBlock Theater
Defense Grid
Geometry Wars Evolved
Hexic HD
Jetpac Refuelled
Mass Effect
Perfect Dark
Perfect Dark Zero
Small Arms
Super Meat Boy
Toy Soldiers
Toy Soldiers: Cold War
Viva Piñata
Viva Piñata: TIP

For the latest Xbox Backwards Compatibility list make sure to check their official site.