Spend those game tickets while you’ve got them and answer any unanswered questions waiting for you in Miitomo because Nintendo has announced that service for the online social networking-like app will end on May 9th of this year. Launching Miitomo after 5/9/2018 will result in a general message appearing on your screen informing you that service for Miitomo has ended. 

Here is a quick list of things you won’t be able to do after Miitomo shuts down: 

  • Transfer Miis from Miitomo to your Nintendo Account. 
  • Use the MiiPhoto feature to create custom images. 
  • Play games for prizes using game tickets. 
  • Answer or ask questions. 
  • Customize your Mii. 
  • Acquire new accessories and clothing options for your Mii. 

Miitomo launched in March of 2016 and the little avatars took the internet by storm, perhaps for the second time – the first being the popularity of the original Wii back in 2006. Mash-up images of user’s Miis posing with celebrity look-alikes, Nintendo executives like Shigeru Miyamoto and personal friends popped up all over social media. 

[Image Source]

Usage for Miitomo must be down, although no official numbers have been provided by Nintendo – anecdotally, I’ve had the app installed since launch and haven’t seen any notifications from it since the launch of Pokemon Go.  

Do you still use Miitomo? Let us know in the comments section. RIP Miitomo March 2016 – May 2018. 

[News Source]