Square Enix has released a limited demo version of their upcoming fan service filled spin-off World of Final Fantasy across all major PlayStation Store regions. Unfortunately for handheld owners in North America the PS Vita demo version is not a random encounter on the PlayStation Store despite an English localization of the handheld demo being available in European countries.

World of Final Fantasy is the latest spin-off for Square’s long running RPG franchise and could be considered a “best of” collection, as the game features allusions to prior entries as well as chibi versions of characters from previous titles.  In World of Final Fantasy the player guides a pair of siblings as they explore a fairy tale world where “giants” are able to transform from the chibi-style of character to full sized human beings at will. Featuring the classic Active Time Battle system combined with an intriguing “Mirage catching mechanic” not unlike the monster collecting in Nintendo’s Pokemon titles, World of Final Fantasy includes a heavy dose of nostalgia for the well informed and some new toys to play with that may intrigue newcomers.

The demo version is said to be light on plot, as it features the same combat tutorials and single explorable dungeons to the version that we sampled at the September Penny Arcade Expo.


World of Final Fantasy releases next Tuesday October 25th with the “day one” edition including extra DLC – the Japanese voice add-on pack probably being the most noteworthy. It is a bit of bummer that Square Enix chose to forgo releasing the PS Vita demo version in North America considering that the handheld version will be launching here in just a week’s time. Perhaps the best move for players who want a taste now is to create a separate European PSN account in-order to play the localized demo.

You can grab it at the links below:

North American PS4 Demo 

European PS4 Demo 

European PS Vita Demo