August 31, 2016

H1Z1 King of the Kill Leaves Early Access On September 20th

Posted on August 31, 2016 by Rae Michelle Richards

The competitive post apocalyptic survival title H1Z1: King of the Kill will be heading out of Steam’s Ealy Access program on September 20th developer Daybreak Games has announced via press-release.

A number of additional features will come with the launch of the game including an improved user interface, support for multiple competitive seasons, a new scoring system that takes the number of kills & other factors into consideration and Twitch.TV integration as well.

Here’s hoping that all of these improvements lead to a smoother overall experience. We preview H1Z1: King of the Kill – the Battle Royal style multiplayer mode that was once part of the entire H1Z1 package before being split off  into it’s own stand-alone game– back in early 2016 when the game launched. To be honest over the 20+ hours I’ve put into the title I’ve found King of the Kill to be a love / hate kind of game. There’s always a pile of tension as you’re in the top 20, wondering who or what might be around the next corner but getting to that tension means 20 – 40 minutes of wandering around a barren map looking for crafting items.


Here is how Daybreak games described the ranking system they will be implementing:

  • Scoring System  Progression outside of matches is evolving to foster the natural competitive spirit of the H1Z1: King of the Kill community. A new and more dynamic scoring system after each match will award points to players based on their placement, their kill total and when in the match those kills took place, with higher points going to kills that take place later on. This new system will give players immediate feedback on their performance, as well as the opportunity to earn in-game rewards. It will apply only to solo matches at launch.

Updates to the world map will also be coming down the line. If you’ve spent dozens of hours like I have learning the trek from co-ordinates like H9 to A4, be prepared for a few curvle balls to be thrown your way with “The Arena”.

As the devs outlined:

The Arena, a Totally Revamped World Map – This larger map is designed to improve the pace and performance of matches overall, with additional points of interest for showdowns and surprises, better loot distribution for player spawns, and greatly improved graphics and lighting.

  • The Arena will be a focal point of action for those playing H1Z1: King of the Kill at PAX West this weekend at Booth #1909, and later when some of Twitch’s top streamers and players compete in the second annual H1Z1 Invitational on Oct. 2, 2016 at TwitchCon.

Perhaps all of these changes will lead to a more immersive survival experience. I’ll be at PAX West and will try and go hands on with the new Arena map if time allows. Worst case I’ll snap a few pictures of the booth!


The Elder Scrolls Legends Open Beta Impressions

Posted on August 31, 2016 by Broken Joysticks

Impressions By: John Edward Bridgman Follow Him On Twitter @JEBWrench

The Following Impressions Were Based Upon The Open Beta of The Elder Scrolls Legends. You can sign up for the Open Beta on their official website if you’ve enjoyed these impressions.

Ideally, I would prefer to discuss The Elder Scrolls Legends without having to compare directly to other, more frequently played digital card games. However, it would be much more useful to get the most obvious comparison out of the way. So, with that it mind – The Elder Scrolls Legends is extremely reminiscent of Hearthstone.

This is by no means a negative or unfair comparison, as the core gameplay mechanics are quite clearly borrowed heavily from Blizzard’s hit game. For those unfamiliar with that game, players take turns playing cards from their hands, drawing a card and automatically generating additional resources each turn to summon creatures to attack and defend with or spells to affect the board in various ways.


Even the mechanic of giving the second player additional mana resources as compensation is borrowed, though this is where the small changes to the Hearthstone formula come into play that differentiate The Elder Scrolls Legends. As of writing, in the Beta, the second player receives three uses of bonus mana to compensate for the tempo loss. This feels excessive, and I would not be surprised if it gets changed at some point.

Another important change is in deck construction. In The Elder Scrolls Legends, rather than building your deck off a class, you choose two stats from which to create your card pool. Strength, for instance, focuses on powerful creatures while Intelligence cards tend to be more deceptive or magical in nature. This gives a surprising amount of flexibility in deck construction without requiring a large pool of cards.

Combat occurs on a battlefield with two lanes. Creatures may only attack creatures in their own lane, so positioning becomes an important element of strategy. Also, the two lanes have different properties. One of the lanes has a property that gives all creatures the ability Cover when summoned to it for a turn, meaning they cannot be attacked directly. It allows for the use of some surprisingly powerful glass-cannon creatures with a lower risk of them being removed by something more efficient.

Players start at thirty life and have a minimum deck size of fifty cards. Tied in with the life totals is what might be the most interesting mechanic of the game, the Rune mechanic. Players start with five runes in addition to their life total, and for every five life lost, one of that player’s runes breaks. When a rune breaks, that player immediately draws a card. If the card has the ability Prophecy, they can then play that card without paying its cost. The inclusion of this catch up mechanic makes some games feel very swingy, and though it can lead to some irritation of losing to luck, it does serve well to keep games competitive as long as possible.


Oddly enough, this game has a single player story mode. It’s through this you play the tutorial and unlock your first cards, as well as earn experience to level up your profile – and in a rather peculiar design decision, upgrade some if your cards. Various cards you acquire will be made better as you make progress, either with increased attack or health numbers, additional abilities, or sometimes a complete change in card function. When an upgrade occurs, you will get to choose how the upgrade occurs. I have not yet seen if the form you don’t choose becomes locked out.

Besides the upgrades, you get choices during the story mode which lets you decide between cards to unlock. These are presented as actions during the story, in basic situations such as whether to spare or execute a bandit, or, in another very bizarre moment, adopting a wolf puppy or throwing it off a waterfall. These decisions do not lock out the option you don’t choose, as they will still appear in booster packs.

The story is fairly typical fantasy, sending you through a variety of gimmick battles, many of which are quite fun and keep the games interesting. I’d like to see these available as options for Versus mode, but right now they are not. The presentation is quite nice, with some good static artwork in the cutscenes and in the cards themselves. The voice acting is not outstanding so far, but it’s serviceable, and there’s not too much of it to get in the way.


Currently, The Elder Scrolls Legends is a good digital card game that can occupy a lot of your time if you wanted to. It draws heavily on Hearthstone without question, and that may put people off from it. The differences in place are small, but they do give the game some feeling of its own identity. There is a great deal of potential here and I am interested to see where it goes from this point in the Beta. Sign-ups are open at


Reminder: The Humble Capcom PlayStation Bundle Provides A Lot of Entertainment For $15

Posted on August 31, 2016 by Rae Michelle Richards

In five more days the window will close on one of the best Humble Bundle values I’ve ever seen – the Humble Capcom PlayStation bundle. Games from a number of different Capcom series including fan favorites like Mega Man, Resident Evil and Street Fighter headline this mind boggling bundle. For the price of ONE of these games you not only can get your hands on the HD remakes of Resident Evil 1 and Resident Evil 0 but also a whole bunch of older titles as well.

The value for PlayStation 4 owners is probably going to come from the two RE titles, as those retail for about $20 CDN a piece, but there are a few other current generation titles like the Strider reboot and a hefty discount off of Street Fighter V.

For those looking to relive some of Capcom’s modern classics on the PlayStation 3 this bundle can’t be beat. For the price of just Okami HD you not only get Clover’s classic PS2 game remastered in HD but also Don’t Nod’s cyber punk Remember Me, Lost Planet 3 and Street Fighter II HD Turbo Remix.

Here’s the complete list including tires. You can purchase the bundle here:

$1 USD Tier 

  • Wolf of the Battlefield
  • Strider
  • Super Puzzle Fighter HD
  • Final Fight HD
  • 40% Off Street Fighter V Coupon

Beat The Average Tier

  • Lost Planet 3
  • Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix
  • Resident Evil HD
  • Okami HD
  • Remember Me
  • Mega Man 9 & 10 Combo Pack

$15 USD Tier

  • Devil May Cry HD Collection
  • Resident Evil 0
  • 50% Off Mega Man Legacy Collection


Adventure Labyrinth Story roams into the North American 3DS eShop on Thursday

Posted on August 31, 2016 by Jason Nason

Circle Entertainment’s Adventure Labyrinth Story, which was released on July 21st in Europe, is set to be released in the North American Nintendo 3DS eShop this Thursday.

The game in the third in the series, after Adventure Bar Story and Mercenaries Saga 2. Adventure Labyrinth Story is a rogue-like RPG that challenges an unknown dungeon.

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Nintendo 3DS Direct announced for September 1st

Posted on August 31, 2016 by Jason Nason

Nintendo announced today that they are hosting a worldwide Nintendo Direct focused on the Nintendo 3DS this Thursday. The video presentation will take place on Thursday, September 1st, 2016 at 7:00 AM PT, or 10:00 AM ET on the east coast.

Nintendo has several heavy hitters planned for the back half of the year for the Nintendo 3DS, including Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon as well as the Yo-Kai Watch sequels (Yo-Kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits / Yo-Kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls). Nintendo’s Mario Party: Star Rush is also planned for the holiday shopping season.

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