Sony has brought their previously PlayStation device exclusive streaming service PlayStation Now to compatible Windows PC & devices the company has announced.

PlayStation Plus allows subscribers to access more than 400 PS3 games that can be streamed directly to either a PlayStation or Windows device as long as it meets the minimum requirements. If you’ve always wanted to sample previously PlayStation exclusives like Heavy Rain, Uncharted. Ratchet & Clank, The Last of Us and a wide variety of third party games and don’t own a PS4 this is pretty much your only option.

Windows PC owners (and presumably users of Surface devices that match the minimum specs) can start their streaming experience for as little as $19.99 USD a month. After installing the PS Now client you can hook up a Dual-shock 4 via Micro-USB cable to get started or wait until the wireless USB dongle is released on September 8th.


PC  Minimum Specifications: 

Windows 7 (SP 1), 8.1 or 10.

3.5 GHz Intel Core i3 or 3.8 GHz

AMD A10 or faster.

300 MB or more;

2 GB or more of RAM.

Sound card; USB port

Alongside today’s release of PlayStation Plus on Windows devices Sony also added six new titles to the PlayStation Now line-up including:

  • Mafia II
  • Tomb Raider Game of the Year Edition
  • Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
  • Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution
  • Heavy Rain
  • Borderlands: Ultimate Edition

Castlevania will also be coming to PlayStation Plus just in time for October:

Castlevania: Harmony of Despair — Dracula returns in Castlevania: Harmony of Despair. Featuring the classic fast paced 2D, side scrolling action the series is known for, fan favorite vampire hunters from across the series will join forces to return Dracula, the Lord of Darkness, to his eternal slumber.”

Image Credit: Sony Computer Entertainment America, (C) Sony – Reproduced for Fair Use Purposes