Archive Post

Nintendo plans an Ever Oasis for 2017

Nintendo showed off a brand new game on Wednesday, which will be coming exclusively to…

Monster Hunter Generations demo coming June 30th

Today Capcom announced a few new tidbits for the upcoming action RPG Monster Hunter Generations.…

Forget Sports Managers, Here’s A Management RPG

While I enjoy sports here and there, I never quite understood the draw of sports…

Conveni Dream | Review

I worked in retail for a long time. I have over a decade under my…

Wolf Link Amiibo Compatible With Breath Of The Wild

Did you nab up a copy of Twilight Princess HD? Well Wolf Link's amiibo is…

Final Fantasy XV Gets A Pair of Demos @ E3

Square Enix brought not one but two demos for the upcoming Final Fantasy XV. Microsoft and Sony…

Several Star Ocean V: Integrity and Faithlessness Videos Land During E3

Square Enix has released several new trailers, b-roll footage and screenshots prior to the release…

E3 Day 1 In Photos

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Astro annoucnes new flagship A-50 wireless headset

Today I had the chance to see the all new Astro A-50 wireless headset. Astro…

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild at E3

Nintendo spent much of Tuesday spotlighting and showing off The Legend of Zelda: Breath of…

E3 2016: Six Minutes of Dead Rising 4 Gameplay

At E3 2016 I got the opportunity to not only check out Dead Rising 4…