Atlus Reactor the latest game from Trion Worlds has entered the closed beta phase according to a press release the developer released prior to the weekend. This closed beta includes brand new features like a new spectator mode, an inventory system, a storefront selling enhanced emoticons among other enhancements.

Ganeplay in Atlas Reactor consists of two opposing teams squaring off against each other in simultaneous turns that mix elements of action games and turn based strategy games. Strategy is key to succeeding in Atlas Reactor, only through cooperation can a team come out on top and counter their opponent’s actions for the sweet end game loot.

The addition of seasons allow players to complete “seasonal quests” which reward them with various types of loot. If players happen to get a duplicate reward they are able to break them down using the new crafting system and then construct alternative rewards. Each season will last approximately three months and the developers will inject new chapters into each chapter every few weeks which will include new pieces of lore, brand new quests, challenges and of course rewards.

With the opening of the closed beta players will be able to try out several new characters, referred to as “freelancers” in-universe. The first new freelancer to be unveiled is a woman named “Ellie”, many more freelancers will be added to the game as the closed beta continues. This latest version of the game also brings with it a new battleground for players to try out called the Evo-5 Lab.

If Atlas Reactor sounds interesting you can apply for the closed beta on their official website or through Trion World’s download manager Glyph. I applied and pretty much got instant approval, so I suppose they are looking for new players right now! Instant access can also be guarennteed through one of Atlas Reactor’s various founder’s packs.

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