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Crunchyroll is always killing it by bringing you new and fresh anime to watch all year round, but at least for me Spring is always a special season. So its no surprise to me that Crunchroll has brought their A game.
First announced this year is MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 it is premiering Saturdays, starting April 2nd @ 3:30PM PST. An adaptation of the long running Unicorn Gundam series of OVA’s, MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 is one anime I am extremely excited for this season.
So far the official description from Bandai reads: Going back to the Universal Century(UC) the show takes place U.C. 0096 three years after Chars rebellion. On the surface, it appears that tranquility has returned to a world which has been troubled by conflict ever since the One Year War. Banagher Links, a boy living at the manufacturing colony Industrial 7, meets a mysterious girl who calls herself Audrey Burne. Audrey has taken independent action to stop the Vist Foundation from handing over Laplace’s Box to the Neo Zeon remnants known as the Sleeves, and Banagher decides to help her. But the colony becomes a battlefield as fighting breaks out between the Sleeves and the Earth Federation Forces, who have also come to prevent the handover. As Banagher runs through the battle in search of Audrey, he has a fateful encounter with a white mobile suit, the Unicorn Gundam, which is the key to Laplace’s Box.
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Hit the jump for the rest of the seasons upcoming anime!
Also announced today is the shounen-ai series Super Lovers, which begins airing Wednesday, April 6 at 11:05am PT as a fan of cute boys doing cute things you can bet this will be on my list to watch this season!
As described by Crunchyroll: “Fooled into coming overseas by news of his mother’s imminent death, high school student Kaido Haru encounters a boy who insists that he’s his brother. Haru does his best to raise feral and obstinate Ren, but there seems to be a secret behind Ren’s birth. On top of that, just when Ren begins to warm up to Haru, tragedy strikes. Five years later, Haru reunites with Ren, all grown up in Tokyo, but…”
Another one I’m really looking forward to this Spring season is Hundred premiering Mondays starting April 4th @ 11:45AM PST and will be available to Crunchyroll Members worldwide. Hundred looks like another quality action mecha anime if you’re fond of Infinte Stratos this is probably going to be for you.
As described by Crunchyroll themselves: “Hundred” – the only weapon capable of fighting the Savages, mysterious life forms attacking Earth. Hayato enters the battleship university Little Garden in hopes of becoming a Slayer… but his roommate Emile Crossfode, who seems to know a lot about him for some reason, awakens a sort of unsettling nostalgia within him. What’s more, right after he joins the school, the strongest Slayer at Little Garden, the “Queen” Claire Harvey, challenges him to a duel! Misaki Jun and Ohkuma Nekosuke (Nitro+) are teaming up to bring you the ultimate school action anime!
If military anime is more your style Spring also offers Joker Game, set in In autumn of 1937 the show is set to feature the Imperial army’s spy’s training other spies, and just coming off of Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, I have to say I will probably drop in at least on the first few episodes of this show to see if it has the same silly but also awesome action tone.
Here is the official synopsis from Crunchyroll: In autumn of 1937, as the coals of World War II are beginning to smolder, Lieutenant Colonel Yuuki of the Imperial Army secretly establishes a spy training organization called the “D Agency.” Those chosen as members of the agency, in opposition to the national trend toward reverence of native-born soldiers in the army, are civilian university graduates who pass the superhuman selection test with flying colors. Under the resourceful Lieutenant Colonel Yuuki, they learn not only how to work with gunpowder, wireless communications, vehicles, and airplanes, but also various skills essential for spies, from pickpocketing to safecracking. “Don’t die. Don’t kill.” Suicide and murder are the worst possible options in the D Agency, which values a low profile above all else. Even as its agents bear under extreme opposition from the army’s control center, they continue to betray allies, deceive foes, and conduct secret maneuvers all over the world. Tokyo, Shanghai, London… Their military intelligence reaches every last corner of the globe.
TERRAFORMARS REVENGE (aka Terraformars season 2) will also begin airing April 1st, if you missed season 1 this is basically a show where genetically spliced humans with the powers of various bugs from earth go to mars and fight super powered cockroaches which they need to take back to earth to use to make anti-virus for a new disease. If you are confused don’t worry, so are most people watching the show. The main attraction of this show is its incredible combat which tends to end in horribly gory gruesome death for one or more parties. There has been no word on whether or not the this season will feature the extensive censoring that was present in the first part of last season (like half the screen was blacked out quite often) or if it will be full on bloody uncensored battle. Either way ill be happy to see the continuation of the story.
Also on my list of things to at least check out twin star exorcists which begins April 6th and will air every Wednesday.
Described as an action fantasy anime the full description from Crunchyroll reads: Grotesque monsters known as Impurities reside in Magano, a realm parallel to the present day. Exorcists purify these evil apparitions to protect the people. Rokuro Enmadou is opposed to becoming an exorcist, even though he has the talent to be one, but an oracle gives him the title of “Twin Star Exorcist,” the name bestowed upon married exorcists. Benio Adashino, the girl who receives the title along with Rokuro, is determined to exorcise all the Impurities in the world. The two find themselves wrapped up in more and more battles together as the Twin Star Exorcists, and as Rokuro watches Benio fight with the wish to become stronger, he’s forced to face the weakness he’s lived with ever since the Hiinatsuki Tragedy. Now that his eyes are turned toward the battle again, thanks to Benio, Rokuro makes up his mind to fight as an exorcist once more, and the Twin Star Exorcists take on the most powerful of Impurities together!
From the PV it looks like a bit of a magical girls anime mixed with a bit of blue exorcist. I have always had a love for shows that mix mysticism and magic in and also for this art style of muted backgrounds and fast colorful action.
You can watch all of these Spring season anime on Crunchyroll! Sign up today to get a 15 day free trial!
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