If you are not in the Overwatch beta (like me) then you probably missed the most recent set of patch notes which added a new mode similar to Hearthstone’s tavern brawl. Now data miners have found a cache of data which seems to name all of the brawls that will be playable. Lets get right to it here is what Overpwn found

  • Super Shimada Bros.: Welcome to Hanamura. Genji and Hanzo only. Faster abilities, slower ultimates.
  • Mystery Heroes: On death you will respawn as a randomly selected hero.
  • Justice Rains From Above: Pharah and Mercy take to the skies.
  • Arcade: More health! Faster ability and ultimate cooldowns! Faster respawn!
  • We’re All Soldiers Now: Soldier: 76 takes command of the Control Maps.
  • High Noon: It’s high noon on Route 66. Headshots with McCree only.
  • Show Your Support: All support heroes. Limited to two of the same per team.
  • Tanks a Lot: All tank heroes. Limited to two of the same per team.
  • Overly Defensive: All defense heroes. Limited to two of the same per team.
  • Highly Offensive: All offense heroes. Limited to two of the same per team.
  • Heads Up!: McCree, Genji, Hanzo, and Widowmaker. Headshots only.
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: McCree, Reaper, and Roadhog duke it out.
  • Moba-Watch: Unique heroes per team. No hero switching allowed.
  • Girl Power: Female heroes only. Sorry, boys.

There you go, personally I kinda love the idea of a rotating game mode that keeps things interesting beyond just team death match, payload, and king of the hill. I personally can wait to play Overwatch period so playing any of these game modes seems even more fun.

What do you think of this mode? Tell us on Facebook or Twitter.