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Home / December 2015
Users Reporting Sign-In Issues With PlayStation Network
Last Christmas gamers all over the world filled social media, popular gaming forums and online…
A Tribute to Joe Waters – Video Game Industry Veteran
Joe Waters passed away on the morning of December 23rd. He was a dear friend…
PlayStation Flash sale Could Be Imminent
If a social media screen-cap posted on Neogaf is to be believed then a holiday…
Rare Releases Behind The Scenes Video For N64 Classic Perfect Dark
Can you believe that it has been 15 years since Rare LTD and Nintendo released…
EA servers go down, come back up
[UPDATE 11:13 AM EST] Servers have returned to normal operation, though wait times for support…
Blizzard to offer double Experience and Tournaments Every Hour this weekend.
Star Craft II developer Blizzard announced today that this will be a double experience weekend…
No PlayStation Plus IGC Announcement Until Dec 30th
If you're hitting F5 repeatedly on the PlayStation Blog hoping for Sony to announce a…
Diablo 3 Season 5 Details, Starts January 15
Diablo 3 is one game that consistently has gotten better over the two years its…
Star wars battlefront will not add EP 7 DLC
The recently released Star Wars the force awakens is a huge merchandising juggernaught, but it…