Sony has revealed the December games for PlayStation Plus subscribers ahead of next weekend’s PlayStation Experience. PlayStation Vita owners are in for a real treat with the JRPG hit from last year – Freedom Wars. PlayStation 4 owners can experience the 2014 reboot of the arcade classic Gauntlet free of charge and finally PlayStation 3 owners will be receiving EA’s 2012 reboot of the SSX franchise and Ubisoft’s Far Cry: Blood Dragon!

Here’s the full line-up:

  • Far Cry 3: Blood DragonPS3
  • Freedom WarsPS Vita
  • Gauntlet: Slayer EditionPS4
  • King’s Quest — Chapter 1: A Knight to RememberPS4
  • Rocketbirds: Hardboiled ChickenPS Vita
  • SSXPS3

Do any of these games excite you? I’ll probably try Gauntlet at least for a little bit and it’ll be nice to have a digital copy of Freedom Wars in my library despite the fact that I already own the game on a physical cartridge.

All of these games are expected to go live next Tueday, December 1st, when the PlayStation Store updates.
