Today marks the beginning of the closed Overwatch beta which was revealed via live stream a few weeks back. Blizzard has gone to great lengths to ensure that player’s chances of being scammed out of their precious accounts have been reduced by doing away with beta CD-Keys. Instead those selected for the very limited beta test of Blizzard’s upcoming First Person Shooter will have their account flagged automatically and an email sent to their account.

If you get an email from “Blizzard” asking for your login information or containing a “beta key” there’s a 100% that this is someone trying to phish your account.

Sadly none of us on staff got into the Overwatch Beta as of the publication of this article but on Twitch.TV there are several dozen people streaming their experience with the open beta along with over 134,000 people watching the game alongside them.

So just how you get into the closed Overwatch beta?

Q. How are Closed Beta participants selected?
A. Beta testers are chosen based on many factors, including your region, when you signed up, your computer hardware specifications, and an element of luck. We are also inviting select journalists and community contributors from around the world on a case-by-case basis.

In regards to how they notify selected players Blizzard said:

If you are selected to participate in the Closed Beta, you will receive an invite via email. Invites will always be sent to the email address associated with your account.

To help avoid phishing attempts, if you believe you’ve received an invite, it’s best to refrain from clicking on any links in the email(s) you receive. Instead, you can verify that your account has been granted a Closed Beta license in Account Management.

If you’ve been selected for the Overwatch Beta and need to download the game you can follow these instructions, which Blizzard supplied:

Step 1: Download the desktop app, if you haven’t already, and launch it.

Step 2: Log in using the account that was flagged for Closed Beta access.

Step 3: Click the Overwatch icon, located in the left-hand nav bar of the desktop app.

Step 4: Select your region from the drop-down menu, and click Install to begin the installation process.

Step 5: Once installed, click Play to begin!
