Details have emerged on the next major Destiny update. On the weekly Bungie blog both the date, and content are detailed.  Design lead Lars Bakken tells tell players:

“Last week, it was clear to us that you were frustrated by the Iron Banner reward drops, and rightly so! It turns out that, when we started digging into the issue, we uncovered a nasty bug that affected how Legendary drops happen throughout the Crucible, including Iron Banner. We’re working hard to ensure that the next Iron Banner will work as intended, and be even better than before. These changes will make your entire Crucible career more rewarding. Once the final details are locked, we’ll be sure to share them with you. Thanks for all the feedback, and may the Lords of Iron reward your future bravery.”

bounties are also getting some love, the Forged quest just added in the Taken King expansion will be shortened, and players will be offered more choices on how they complete it. Finally, Players will also be able to turn in multiple quests at once, a long missed feature.

Bungie estimates that the patch will be ready “around Thanksgiving”

the full blog post is available here