Cloud Imperium Games announced today that their much hyped space game Star-Citizen has essentially exited its closed alpha access. The news comes in Chris Roberts’ most recent Letter From the Chairman update, in which he also announced that Star Citizen has surpassed one million backers.

“Anyone who has pledged for a Star Citizen Package can now play today without worrying they won’t have access to some portion of the ‘Verse in the future. No Star Marine pass, no Alpha 2.0 pass… no additional payment needed for any module in the works, pre-release,” Roberts wrote. “Going forward, should we need to put out some sort of limited release it will be done through the PTU test server. All backers will have access to any live release, the moment it publishes.” 2771431-9053075413-25493

Backers with Alpha access are also being given 10,000 UEC [United Earth Credits, Star Citizen’s in-game currency], with the UEC cap raised to accommodate the boost. Roberts went on to mention that players who have purchased an Arena Commander pass would get 5000 UEC, but that was later clarified by community manager Jared Huckaby in a a forum post where he said that instead it would but 5$ in in store credit for the games store.

Star Citizen has been in closed backed only alpha, for over a year, as modules are added and development continues, this new general release to all of its Kickstarter backers marks a major milestone in its development.