Archive Post

Nintendo launches Splatoon Stat Site SplatNet

Nintendo has launched a companion stat-tracking and social meet up site. The site is called…

Web and Mobile Miiverse Updated Today

If you've been on Miiverse on your desktop or mobile device today you'll notice a…
Black Ops III

New Call of Duty Black Ops Three Trailer Shows Cybercore abilities.

No Cybercore is not yet another genre of electronic music its actually the latest game…

Rock Band 4’s Opening Act

The lights dim down on the crowd as the neon lights come up on the…

Begun the DLC wars have.

  Konami’s announcement yesterday that they will sell all sorts of DLC for Metal Gear online…

Far Cry is Back, and this time we are going way back, the first trailer for the new Far Cry is out now!

UBISoft has officially announced that the next Far Cry game, and its going to be…

All new all different Marvel starts today

If you were too busy with all the great recent game releases this summer you…

What Rae’s Been Playing This Week [10.07.2015]

This week has been pretty huge for games and it’s only Tuesday evening here on…