Have you finished the main story quest for Final Fantasy XIV: HeavansWard and plowed your way through Alexander Savage and want to know when you’ll get your next big injection of new content? During the “Letter From The Producer Live” at the Tokyo Games Show producer Yoshi-P revealed that Final Fantasy XIV 3.1 will be launching this November!

The brand new 24-person raid is known as The Void Ark and you may have seen it – the black and purple ship flying off in the distance in several of the Ishgaurd zones. Void Ark will be structured similar to the Crystal Tower storyline – which means we may see several different raids strung together through common story elements as the 3.X patch series continues to be rolled out.  In terms of party composition The Void Ark will utilize 3 groups consisting of 1 tank, two healers and five DPS.


As mentioned in previous Letters From The Producer Live Free Companies (FFXIV’s guilds) will be able to pool their resources together to build airships to go on adventures together. These new Airship Exploration Missions are filled with powerful enemies that will surely give even the most geared out lvl 60s a run for their gil! Your adventurer along with 23 other players are charged with the task of taking down targeted monsters to win spoils for your free company. If you aren’t in a Free Company there will be publically available airships to take you on these new exploration missions.

If you want all the other details make sure to check out the official FFXIV TGS Page or check out our original source. We’ll have more on Final Fantasy XIV “As Goes Light So Goes Darkness” as we approach its November release date.
