With the latest Humble Bundle being focused on game design, your biggest problem may be if you’re not an artist. There’s even a HUGE contest on right now that you can enter! But you need backgrounds, and fast! So what do you do? Game Dev Fort has lots of content including their latest release, the Survival Horror Backgrounds Pack! After all, who doesn’t LOVE zombie games in this day and age?


If you’re a fan of RPG Maker VX Ace, there are even battleback versions included! So not only can you make an amazing visual novel telling the tale of friends trying to survive in the zombie apocalypse, but there are battlebacks ready to drop right into RPG Maker! There are six sets to explore with a few variations to utilize. Of course, these can be used for anything you can dream up! So go wild! It doesn’t have to be Zombies. Maybe animals all around the world have been acting strange for some unknown reason… I watch too much TV.


“Whoa!” You say, “That’s pretty pricy for just some backgrounds isn’t it?” Well, you need to take this with context. These assets are royalty free! You buy it, you own it to use in your game (or games, go nuts, make a couple!) So what are you waiting for? Get these assets and get making a game! Need software? Get on Humble Bundle right now for the Humble Game Making Bundle which has just under seven days left!


Did I mention I made these assets? Probably should. Honesty and all.

If you missed it above, this pack can be purchased at Game Dev Fort!
It’s the Survival Horror Backgrounds Pack.