Sony has finally revealed the February PlayStation Plus line up for North America. Get ready to sink your teeth into an action-RPG with Transistor, sneak around in the Shadows with Thief and join the Japanese mafia with Yakuza 4. All of these games and more will be gratis for the entire second month of 2015.


Transistor | Original Price: $14.99 | Released: 2014 | PS4

Explore the city of Cloudbank as heroine Red as she wields the mysterious sword Transistor. Mixing an absolutely gorgeous art-style with SuperGiant’s trademark isometric prospective and epic soundtrack this game will blow you away. If deep combat is your thing look no further than Transistor’s element mixing mechanic which gives you a wide variety of combat styles. As an added plus Transistor makes use of the Dualshock 4’s light bar.

[youtube id=”r4d4hndeo4Q” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Thief | Original Price: $59.99 | Released: 2014 | PS3 (Unknown if PS4 Cross-Buy)

If stealth is more your strong suit you might want to check out Eidos Montreal’s reimagining of the Thief series on your PlayStation 3. Each level has a variety of different routes for players to guide Garrett on his quest to steal from the rich. Upon its release Thief was met with mixed reviews hovering in the 7.0 range. We also don’t know if Sony will extend Thief to PS4 players as of right now the PlayStation blog only lists the game for PS3.

[youtube id=”gZJ5pqy1qbg” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Yakuza 4 | Original Price: $59.99 | Released: 2011 | PS3

Sega’s crime drama about the Japanese mafia makes its way on to the PlayStation 3 for free this month. Follow Kazuma Kiryu as you explore this world of crime and deceit. Most of the action of this game takes place in Kamuro City, the setting of the first Yakuza title. Featuring both an adventure and battle mode as well as several side activities there’s always something to do!

[youtube id=”qUL8dV5wJPQ” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Other PS Plus Releases:

  • Rogue Galaxy (Vita | PS3 | PS4)
  • Kick & Fennick (Vita)
  • Apotheon (PS4)

Don’t forget there are still two more days to claim January’s free games. If you haven’t tried InFamous First Light I highly recommend you jump at the chance!