Konami unveiled the first trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: Online last night during the Video Game Awards. This first glimpse at online componet of the Phantom Pain comes with the tagline – “Tactical Team Operations”.

In the trailer we see several glimpses of new gameplay mechanics such as one player taking on the role of Big Boss (similar to how MGS 4 online had game modes were one player played as Naked Snake) while other players battle it out. Other note worthy additions include an adorable puppy replacing the porn magazines and a mechanized single occupant walker that Snake uses to wreak havoc.

Make sure you watch until the end because there’s a pretty awesome cameo from a character we haven’t heard much about in terms of their inclusion in The Phantom PainMGS V: The Phantom Pain is expected to be release sometime before the summer of 2015 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

[youtube id=”b_UG7loIZgM” width=”600″ height=”350″]