The next entry in the Mortal Kombat franchise has just been announced for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC. Set for release in 2015 this cross-generation entry in the long running fighting franchise has a lot to live up to after the huge success of 2011’s Mortal Kombat.

A brief two minute debut trailer was released alongside the announcement of the game. Rival ninjas Scorpion and Sub-Zero battle it out in this two minute all out brawl, which of course finishes off with a brutal decapitation. Some mechanics from the 2011 game return including the  brutal X-Ray attacks. In one of the absolute standout moments we see Sub-Zero use the environment to his advantage by swinging from a tree branch, delivering a swift kick to the face. Perhaps environments will play a larger role in Mortal Kombat X?

Check out the debut trailer after the jump, we’ll have more on the game as it become available.

[youtube id=”RIu8Gqa7K2k” width=”600″ height=”350″]