The long running Aliens franchise is set to return to our living rooms next year in the form of a brand new video game being developed by the studio behind Total War, Creative Assembly. Titled Alien: Isolation, this new first person shooter has  reportedly been in development for some time for both current gen (PS3 / Xbox 360) & next-gen (PC / PS4/ Xbox One) platforms  and will hopefully not end up in a similar PR nightmare that Aliens: Colonial Marines became during its launch this past spring.

Apparently Alien: Isolation will star a matured version of Ellen Ripley’s daughter Amanda, whom was assumed to have died when a pregenant Ripley entered cryo-sleep at the end of the first film. Taking cues from the original Alien film, the titular Xenomorphs will not be front and center in Infestation. Rather than being targets to absorb Amanda’s bullets, there may be only a singular Alien that will hunt down Amanda over the course of the game.  Rumor has it that most of the game takes place in industerial corridors, with Amanda killing dozens of clone soldiers. So, really it kind of sounds like the Marine campaign from 2010’s Aliens Vs Predator – a game that I actually enjoyed!

Aliens: Isolation has been tradmarked by SEGA as of last week and whie the game has not been revealed yet, perhaps we will see it revealed sometime early next year. Check out the source link for a lot more details on this supposed project.

Source:  Kotaku