Owning a PS Vita is about to get more financially feasible with the announcement of a $50 price cut across the board. In addition to the price cut for the system, Sony also revealed that the system’s proprietary memory cards would also see their price tags slashed.

If you already own a Vita but want to stock up on some extra memory cards the adjusted pricing is as follows: $14.99 for a 4GB stick, $19.99 for 8GB, $39.99 for 16GB and $79.99 for a 32GB memory card.

One last cool thing of note – this price cut not only affects existing models, but also previous bundles. So, if you can find the limited edition white Assassin’s Creed Vita bundle, which came with Assassin’s Creed: Liberation + a 4GB memory card, you are in for some extra savings!

Source: GameTrailers