I’ve had quite a bit of time now with State of Decay and it’s quite different from the demo once you get into the main bulk of the game. The intro can be compared almost do Dead Rising with scavenging while the main game itself is a bit more complex.
For one, the most important rule here is that once a character dies, they’re gone forever. So you might not want to get too attached to your survivors. Fortunately, if you do lose everyone, a seemingly random survivor is generated for you to take over. You may be tempted to restart the game over, but it’s actually probably best to push on and accept this as more of a story element.
The game really begins once you reach your first safe house, a church. The cast of characters there relatively seem like supporting roles, aside from a couple you can take out on moral issue missions. These are quite easy and seem to be moreso dragging an NPC along to help you fight zombies. It probably increases your friendship with these characters too.
That’s been my only issue so far is I’m having fun, but I feel like I’m not very good at the game. Like somewhere out there another gamer has a perfectly thought out safe house, a full roster of friend characters they can swap between, and sustainable survivors who can get along without my help. There are some glitches with objects popping in to the world as things load, but even then the fun of State of Decay is still there. The main thing that has kept me playing is pushing along the story line. There is quite a lot to do, and it’s fun seeing where the game is going.
Stay tuned for my full review coming in the near future.