Archive Post

Neverwinter Astral Diamond Exchange Down

UPDATE: It has been announced that there will be a roll back. Progress made between…

Second Dimension: The Warrior’s Code Interview

The fighting game community (FGC) has grown from holding local events to smaller venues to…

Nintendo Snags Exclusive Rights to Sonic the Hedgehog

The next title in SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog franchise will be exclusive to Nintendo’s Wii…

Second Dimension: The Warrior’s Code Interview

  The fighting game community (FGC) has grown from holding local events to smaller venues…

May 16th Nintendo Download

Lots of stuff today in the eShops, including a ton of new titles for the…

Electronic Arts Kisses Online Passes Goodbye

This could quite possibly be some of the best news I've heard in quite a…

New ‘Dark’ Trailer Is Vampire Stealthy

Dark is in development over at Realmforge Studios, which is located in Munich, Germany and is…

Star Trek | Review

Star Trek looks and feels like the movies and sucks you into the action. The…

First Defiance DLC Detailed

Trion Worlds, creator of Defiance, have announced the first details on DLC for their epic…

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Details & Trailer

In development at 2K Marin is the newest installment in the XCOM legacy of games…

World of Warcraft – Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War

It should be no surprise that Christie Golden's latest World of Warcraft book is a…

Will Xbox Infinity Be Microsoft’s New Console Title?

The UK branch of the International Business Times has reported that it seems the next…

Batgirl DLC On Route To Injustice: Gods Among Us

Revealed by an accidental Xbox Live listing as shown here Nether Realm has since revealed…

John Carpenter Would Love To Make A Dead Space Movie

This is absolutely a movie I'd love to see! As you may remember, I gave…

Saints Row IV Lets You Battle Aliens As The President

It's no surprise with this quirky series that takes itself less and less seriously with…