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Home / February 2013
Ubisoft Confirms Watch Dogs is Next Gen, New Demo Shown
Since it was first reveled people have been excited for Watch Dogs. From the demo…
Infamous: Second Son Revealed
Oh my god Infamous: Second Son was unveiled at the Sony conference today. This was…
Killlzone Shadowfall Announced & Demo’d
Sony Computer Entertainment returns to the sci-fi world of Killzone with the announcement of Killzone:…
PS4 Confirmed, Here Are The Tech Specs
Sony confirmed the PS4 at their “see the future” press event today in New York…
NIS Releases Persona 4 Golden On European PSN
European PS Vita owners can now enter the world inside the television by purchasing a…
Sony Issues Mysterious Credits To Loyal PSN Users Ahead of Press Conference
Quick, check your PSN account! Did you receive a $5 or $10 voucher from Sony…