I hope you don’t have your hopes up for a third modern Medal of Honor game. During last week’s investor’s call EA Chief Operating Officer Peter Moore announced that the publisher will be moving in a different direction in regards to their annual FPS release. Surely it had something to do with poor sales or an absolutely devastating meta critic score.

While on the call Mr.Moore explained that Medal of Honor will be removed from Electronic Art’s bi-annual rotation, although he did not offer specifics as to what will replace it. Considering that Crytek, developer of the ever impressive Crysis series, just purchased the HomeFront IP after the demise of THQ, EA will partner them to thwart another North Korean invasion.

Did you enjoy Medal of Honor Warfighter? Speak out in the comments section, because as fellow Broken Joysticks Founder Eric will tell you, he quite enjoyed the game.

We’ve got a quote from the call after the jump.

“This one is behind us now … We are taking Medal of Honor out of the rotation, and have a plan to bring year-over-year continuity to our shooter offerings.”

Source: IGN