I won’t lie and say that I was happy when Square Enix announced that Tomb Raider would be receiving a multiplayer component to a single player franchise.  I’m an avid Tomb Raider fan and while I know why developers/publishers want to include multiplayer in single player games sometimes I believe it affects the outcome of the single player game. While Square Enix has assured the media that it won’t have any effect on the quality of the single player campaign, I guess we will play the waiting game to see if that is indeed the case. Let’s hope so. A prime example of this would be Dead Space…do you remember Dead Space 2’s multiplayer? Yeah, me neither.

Hopefully I’m wrong about this and Tomb Raider multiplayer turns out to be completely amazing (which I do hope for). There are some games that adding a multiplayer component has indeed expanded the lifetime of the game – look at Mass Effect 3, it has a ton of success from adding a multiplayer component. But the thing is, it’s cooperative…not competitive.

So here is the first look at Tomb Raider’s multiplayer (starts at about the 4:35 mark):

[youtube id=”aOPONlOqxFY” width=”600″ height=”350″]

So what do you all think about the addition of competitive multiplayer to Tomb Raider? For it or against it? Tomb Raider launches March 5th, 2013.