If you’re like me, you spent lots of time wandering the Sword Coast looking for whatever situations you could find and role playing through them. The quality of Baldurs Gate is timeless, with many of my friends replaying the games over the years. Now it comes to an entirely new generation with enhancements!

There’s bug fixes corrected from the original, new characters, and a new adventure in The Black Pits! The game also includes some of the mechanics of Baldurs Gate II such as extra classes. On top of that the enhanced edition includes the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion. There’s lots of goodies here and a great world to get immersed in. You can pick it up now for $20 on the games website BaldursGate.com.

A few hiccups have been noted on the games support forum, so you may want to check in and make sure you can run the game on your system.