Bioshock Infinite comes out in February of next year and we have been waiting for a long time for the latest game in the Bioshock series. Unfortunately, for most fans of the series, there will be NO multiplayer in Bioshock Infinite.

The news came from the head honcho over at Irrational Games: Ken Levine. A fan asked Ken over twitter if there was going to be a mutliplayer component, and this was his response:

RT @tha_don_101@IGLevine can you clear up whether or not Bioshock Infinite will have multiplayer modes? —Nope.

He was then followed up with another question to clarify the response:

RT @wolverine11111@IGLevine Does that mean nope it won’t or nope you can’t clear that issue up? –No multi.

As you can see, it seems like Bioshock Infinite will be only a single player experience. While it is disappointing that there may not be any co-operative play, it seems that Irrational is sticking with its roots here. Bioshock Infinite releases on February 26th, 2013.