Sega of America released the brand-new trailer for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, this time specifically dedicated to the WiiU version. While at first glance this game seems to look on par with the current generation consoles’ version, Sumo Digital has made it quite clear to utilize the WiiU Gamepad as much as possible. There might be some exclusive features that may feel a bit too unnecessary, but without revealing too much from the trailer, the idea of  five-player multiplayer is on the level for something great.

Regardless of the newly implemented WiiU features, this trailer proves that Nintendo better step up the next iteration of Mario Kart if Sega can continue producing surprisingly competent kart-racing games as such. As soon as they figure out a way to include currently forgotten Sega characters like Greendog and Kid Chameleon, then it would be the greatest racing game ever made, but alas that’s just a personal rant. Anyway, check out the trailer below.


[youtube id=W7b5h7wthYE width=”600″ height=”350″]