Archive Post

Mass Effect 3: Omega – Biggest Expansion In Franchise History

Boasting to be the franchises' biggest DLC yet, did Bioware. Stating that this DLC is "twice…

ToeJam & Earl Coming To Xbox Live Arcade Next Month

As part of SEGA's new strategy of releasing older classic games, it looks like the…

EA/Bioware Launches Mass Effect 3 Portal N7 HQ

So, what exactly is this Mass Effect 3 Portal N7 HQ? Think of Battlefield's Battlelog,…

Darkstalkers Digital Collection Announced, Teaser Shown

Kicking off New York Comic Con with a scare, Capcom announced plans to release a…

Lots Involved in Mugen Souls Character Customization

NIS games have always given gamers tons of characters to choose from, and even more…

Pokemon Version Black and White 2 | Review

This review is mainly for all of you who somehow missed playing much of Pokemon Black and…

Reggie Fils-Amie speaks Miiverse/TVii

Reggie Fils-Aime has been busy talking a lot about the Wii U lately. Today on…

Red Sand: A Mass Effect Fan Film

Do you like Mass Effect? Do you like movies? Do you like fan-made movies? If…

Borderlands 2 – Captain Scarlett & Her Pirate’s Booty Coming Next Week

It seems like only yesterday that we started talking about the potential upcoming dlc for…

Get Ready For A GTA V Info Blowout

After receiving small tidbits of info all this time, with pictures and a short trailer,…
Borderlands 2

First Borderlands 2 DLC Leaked?

UPDATE: I've found some screenshots to go along with this story as well (after the…

Three New Characters Added To Injustice:Gods Among Us

Following up from yesterday's announcement that Green Arrow will be joining the list of playable…

LE Pistol Shown Off In This Trailer Of Army Of Two: The Devil’s Cartel

Army Of Two: The Devil's Cartel was announced a few months back. Since that time…

Sony Holiday Showcase: AC III Naval Combat Impressions

AC III's demo opened with Connor decked out in traditional naval wear navigating the high…

Sony Holiday Showcase: Our Brief Time With DMC Devil May Cry

Ninja Thoery's take on DMC has been quite polarizing given Capcom's decision to reboot the franchise. After playing through…