Nintendo’s latest update to the Japanese E-Shop almost reads like a best of list for any 3DS newcomer. If you’ve got spare change to burn, a Japanese 3DS and a large memory card then you my friend are in for one hell of a gaming experience.

According to this very Japanese web page – what appears to be a list of 3DS E Shop release dates – Nintendo is poised to add The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart 7 and Mario 3D Land to the roster of downloadable titles available in their native Japan.

Here’s the full breakdown (all games releasing digitally November 1 supposedly)

Mario Kart 7 priced at 4,300 YEN
Super Mario 3D Land priced at 4,300 YEN
Ocarina of Time priced at 4,300 YEN

If we get any news about these possibly coming stateside we will let you know. If you can read it – check out Nintendo’s official 3DS Eshop page.